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1. some people think that the negative effects of advertisements far outweigh their positive ones. to what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. to what extent do you think international tourisms advantages far outweigh its disadvantages?

3. some people think that old buildings should make way for new buildings. to what extent do you agree or disagree?

4.some people think the frequent cultural and commercial communications are positive, while others hold a different view. whats your opinion?

5. some people are optimistic to the 21st century. to what extent do you agree or disagree with their optimism and what changes would you like to be made in the 21st century?

6.the environmental pollution is a serious problem confronting us in modern society. what are its causes and what solutions can be taken to solve it?

7.some people think that teachers will be replaced by computers. to what extent do you agree or disagree?

8. some people think that happiness is closely related to economic success, while others think happiness result from other factors. discuss both views and give your opinion?


environmental hazards are often too great for particular countries or individuals to tackle. we have arrived at a point in time where the only way to lessen environmental problems is at an international level.

environmental problems have reached such proportions that people feel international organizations must be set up to intervene in world affairs to resolve these problems. whether this will resolve the problem is very unlikely as international organizations are just an extension of human behavior. that is, if human conflicts cannot be resolved at home, then they are unlikely to be resolved at the international level. nevertheless, international organizations do attract attention to the growing problem of aims of the international community to resolve the issue of environmental pollution and support their cause, i do not believe it is the best or only way to protect the environment; in fact, it is only a small part of what is needed in a global initiative.

all world problems, whether it is environmental pollution, war, energy insufficiency, or famine, arise from the abusive behavior of all individuals. therefore, the solution to all these problems is the need for a collective consciousness. what is meant by this is that each individual must be aware of the impact he or she has on the world and their unique part to play in this world. after all, if one is happy with his life, he will surely not endeavor to harm the environment or anyone else. his behavior will be that of a responsible individual.

what is needed, therefore, is education. education is the key to all problems and it starts from pregnancy all the way to adulthood and beyond. furthermore, education means that children all over the world should be allowed to go to schools with good teachers and where teaching materials and methods can be adapted to each individual. education means raising children to be responsible individuals.

this may sound like utopia, but it is not: if a country had important problems in its educational system, then it should realize that it is contributing to the worlds problems. these are perhaps long term solutions, but they are more realistic solutions than setting up yet another international organization.


some countries allow women to join the army. some other people think army doesnt suit women. do you agree or disagree? please state your reasons.

agree: firstly, modern wars are not as cruel as before. women will not face any danger because the decisive factor of modern wars is technology, not physique. most females have received higher education and mastered advanced knowledge. they can serve in the army like men. secondly, some occupations in the army are more suitable to females. for instance, most medical workers in the field hospitals are females because they are more patient and careful. they can give tender care to the wounded soldiers. finally, females have played very important roles in wars in history. females are good at coping with the unexpected events because they enjoy advantages over males psychologically.

sample writing:

it is a strongly held belief that kitchen and laundry are for women and wars are for men. even though women are allowed to join the army in some countries, most of them are far away from the frontier. however, as the application of high technology in the army accelerates, womens participation in the army becomes not unusual.



1. you are an university student who are living in the accommodation at the campus. one day you find something wrong with your accommodation. so you write a letter to the house officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right.

2. it is wrong that our government pay more money to the artist projects, for instance, there are more and more paintings and sculptures appearing at the public places, because there are more important thing to do. what's you opinion? do you agree or disagree with it?

3. writing to an english speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

4. participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical condition and social development.

5. you have left college. but you didn't say goodbye to your friend who live in the room with you because he had a course at that time. write a letter to him to appology and tell hem how you spend that days before you leave and how you get home. then invite him to visit you.

6. some people say the parents should except school to conduct their children's behavior and tell them what is 'right' or 'wrong'. others say schools should take this responsibility. please give your point about it.

7. write to the agency officer and complain about the rent car which has sth wrong. tell them the problems of the car you rent from the agency and your requiring.

8. as the developing countries and the third world countries, there are a funds, how to use it? invest in the basic education or in the high-technology, for instance, computer? what's your opinion?

9. you are a foreign student. write to the student union, introduce your hobbies and interests and ask information of clubs and societies. you want to join a club or society enjoy your time when you study there.

10. fast food is developing more and more popular. it replaces other traditional food. some people think it is good, some people disagree with it. what's your opinion about it. give some reason of your opinion.

11. a friend will visit beijing. you will meet him at airport. but for some reason, you have to be late. explain the reason. since you haven't meet each other, tell the friend where you will meet and how to recognize each other.

12. more and more children's writing & math ability are affected by computers and calculators. we should limit the use of those tools. disagree or agree.

13. you have broke your leg and have to stayed in hospital. you received many cards and letters from your classmates. write a letter to tell them your detail of your position and thank them at the same time.

14. some people say that it is impossible for women to be an effective women and to be a good mother in home at the same time. they also suggest that the government should give the salary to mothers who stay at home to take care of their children.

15. your friend write to you and tell you that he is hesitating to chose computer or history as his major in university. write to him and tell him your opinion.

16. participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical conditions and social development.

17. you live in a room in college which you share with another student. you find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting. they have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you. write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college and ask for a new room nest term. you would prefer a single room. explain your reason.

18. who has responsible for our old people?

19. write to the agency officer to complain about a rent house by them. tell them the problems of the house and your requiring.

20. you read an ad about a sale of a shop in the local newspaper, when you came to buy the goods you wanted, you find the sale had ended. write to the shop manager and complain about this. require for the compensation.

21. write to an english speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

22. you are accepted as an oversea student by an university. before you go to the university, write to the student officer and ask them sth about the accommodation, the transportation,and the class schedule.

23. you are a history teacher at a high school. you see an ad at the local newspaper to introduce the local museum which coincidens with what you teach now. write to the museum officer and tell them that you want to bring your students to visit it.

24. write a letter to your friend and express thanks for his present which was brought to you during you were ill at the hospital.

25. the first car appeared on british roads in 1888. by the year there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on british roads. alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use. what do you think? give reasons for your answer.

26. the threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. the benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. give reasons for your answer.

27. people can do longer expect a job for life. what should individuals and governments do to prepare the current and future environments for different working conditions?

28. as technological innovation brings about rapid changes and retraining becomes a lifelong necessity, industry should take over more and more of the responsibility for education.

29. it is more important for governments to ensure adequate standards of housing, education and health care for their citizens by developing the industrial base than to use their resources to develop the rural areas.

30. business education and training today must promoter environmental awareness.

31. whilst studying abroad provides an opportunity to broaden one's experience, it also presents the danger of negative influences from the host culture.

32. technological advances continue to improve manufacturing efficiency; the weight of a drinks can has come down from thirty-five grams to about fifteen grams, for example, and modern cars and production techniques are much more energy efficient. governments need to control the environment rather than controlling industry, as companies already control their resources very efficiently.

33. training for work is far more important than proving a broad-based education.

34. what steps should a student take in preparing for tertiary education and what would be the benefit of taking such steps?

35. the developed world should lead by example and not insist that aid to the third world is used to develop rural areas.

































some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training benefit to society.do you agree or disagree. use your own experience and knowledge to support your idea. most universities and colleges spend a rather long period in fundamental theories and elementary courses. but students regard these kinds of knowledge useless, and pay less attention to them. they suggest school pay more time for practical training instead of providing theoretical lessons. in my opinion, however, theoretical knowledge is necessary. and one will definitely benefit from it. first, fundamental theories, such as math and physics, are the basis of other knowledge. to a student who majors in automatic control, the course of control system is the most practical and useful in the future. but if he isn’t good at math and circuit, he will hardly be able to understand the principles and methods of how to control a subject or process. it is just like constructing a building. how can you imagine a spectacular high-rise without a firm groundsill? that is, theories and practices are interrelated. we can ignore neither of them. second, theoretical basic knowledge provides not only the knowledge itself, but also a way that how to learn and research. university is a place for scientific research and invention. so it is necessary for students to have the skill of doing research. seeing from another angle, science and techniques are exploding so quickly that present skills will soon be out of date. if one learnt nothing except practical skills, he would also fall behind the society. but if one could master the method of research, he would be able to refresh himself continuously with advanced technology. from all the commentaries above, we can learn the important role of theoretical knowledge. although pragmatism is very popular today, we should pay enough attention to the basis and principles.


some people claim that the increasingly frequent business and cultural communications are positive whereas others hold a different opinion. discuss.


although a slight mention of the past pastoral life arouses a nostalgia and reminiscent beauty, which is unexceptionally characterized by isolation and somewhat disconsolation, various and frequent communications in business, education, scientific research, and even the daily life are flooding the existent values, ideas, and ideals. inevitably, this social phenomenon provokes a storm of commendation and criticism as well.

frequent communications in various fields among cultures and people undoubtedly benefit individuals’ life. almost every citizen becomes the beneficiary of the communications. people around the world today are able to enjoy otherwise unavailable products and services. for instance, it is due to the international communication in business that people in china can such high quality products as mercedes benz from germany, titoni watch from switzerland, and ibm computers. all these cases demonstrate one thing: communications contribute human beings.

not only are diverse array of communications in the international spectrum positive to individuals, they also have been exerting significant favorable influences on family life. it was virtually incredible to imagine an international family five decades ago, but today on account of the rapid development of communications and transportations, religion and racial discriminations have almost entirely “gone with the wind”. it is no longer an “abnormal” thing that a chinese husband with a japanese wife. such international family, as scientific research warrants, is a welcome development in terms of both biological and political elements.

in fact, the advantages of communications are also shaping and reflecting the general human civilization development. if god, as bible says, created different languages among men, then men all over the world today are able to work together, pray together, and struggle for freedom together. the communications are actually a process of globalization. this is the trend of sustainable development. with communications, people become brothers and sisters rather than enemies. with communications, there will be peace rather than war. with communications, the mundane mortals will eventually retrieve the paradise that our forefathers lost and get renascence.

admittedly, the communications might have some negative influences. but the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. therefore, the communications should be advocated and encouraged with the utmost enthusiasm.


progress in communication and transport technology during the 20th century has enabled us to overcome geographical boundaries and revolutionize our way of living. the world is now linked to such an extent that a local happening cannot take place without impacting on the international community and vice versa. it is not surprising to find that the great differences between countries, which used to be exist in almost every sphere of people's life, have become less obvious. nowadays we chinese are sharing the same hollywood movie as the american, enjoying the same fashionable clothes as the young girls in paris and even chasing after the same brands as the people all over the world.

now that american films can be easily accessed to, it goes without saying that people in other countries can have more opportunities to know more about the american culture since films are frequently refered to as the carrier of a particular culture. thus, some people welcome these decreasing differences among countries without any reservations in the wish to see a better chance to link the cultures among individual countries, which appear to be the greatest merit steming from it.

but pause and reflect. this kind of chance for communication may not seem so surpring after considering some disheartening facts indicating that the potential demerits may well outweigh the relatively weak merits. to be exact, globalization, in its powerful extension of market principles, by highlighting the culture of economically powerful nations, has created new forms of inequality. just look at several figures you'll have a more clear idea on this point: 90% of the world's languages are not represented on the internet; some 5 countries monoplize the world cultural industries trade and in the field of cinema, for instance, 88 countries out of 185 in the world have never had their own film production. therefore, it has understandably ignited severe anxiety and confrontation in almost every comparatively powerless country, thereby fostering cultural conflict rather than cultural pluralism.

in a nutshell, this phenomenon, in some sense, depicts what is called “cultural hegemony” by some sociologists and thus contains several disquieting factors which will inexorably destroy the naive wish of some people about a better world where communication are much more easily to handle.

















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